In the serene village of Ajansara, nestled in the heart of Hinganghat block, lives Shobha Supate, a resilient 50-year-old woman facing the harsh realities of life as a divorcee. With her father's passing six years ago, Shobha found herself shouldering the burden of poverty alongside her ageing mother, relying on strenuous farm labour to make ends meet.
For Shobha, life took a turn for the better when she met the compassionate team from Bajaj Foundation in September 2022. Opening up about her struggles, Shobha shared the dire conditions of her home, compounded by a leaky roof that worsened their hardships. Recognising her plight, the foundation swiftly stepped in to offer a lifeline to this deserving family.
With renewed hope, Shobha embraced the opportunity presented by the foundation. Inspired by her entrepreneurial spirit, the team identified her knack for selling artificial ladies' ornaments as a potential avenue for income generation. With their support, Shobha's dreams took flight as she set up her own shop, nestled by the revered temple in their village.
With each sale of bangles adorned with intricate designs, Shobha not only secures her livelihood but also finds a newfound sense of dignity and respect within her community. Empowered by the financial aid from Bajaj Foundation, she embarks on regular trips to nearby markets in Hinganghat, Wardha, and Nagpur to procure materials for her flourishing business. Shobha's journey is a testament to the transformative power of support and compassion. Through the unwavering assistance of Bajaj Foundation, she not only rebuilds her home but also revitalises her livelihood, illuminating a path of hope for herself and her loved ones amidst life's trials and tribulations.